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Empower Your Mind: Transform Your Thoughts


Creating a mindset that empowers you: Negative thinking is a reaction to circumstances that have happened in our lives. Many of these patterns were established long ago and we unconsciously have carried them, despite the suffering they may have caused us.

Inspired Action:  While negative thinking becomes the default thinking, recognize this as old thinking and ask yourself how you can make a change in the thought.


Stay away from all or nothing thinking: Often our thinking becomes very rigid and life has to be a certain way and there is no in between. Begin to shift your perception to allow flexibility in your thinking that will allow for finding a middle ground that will give way to a fresh perspective.

Inspired Action: Where you might be able to adjust your thinking to find common ground. 


Don’t make assumptions: Whenever we assume we know something, without really knowing it, we set ourselves up for misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Don’t allow yourself to be hurt or angry based on what you think rather than what you know.

Inspired Action: Be completely honest and ask yourself what you really know for sure. 


Keep things in Perspective: Negative thinking focuses all our thoughts and energy inward which in turn creates a small and narrow focus. Resist the temptation to dramatize the details out of proportion and look at it in the context of the bigger picture of your life.

Inspired Action: What is this story without the drama?


Would you rather be right or happy? When we are focused on being right at all coasts, we may miss the opportunity to accept an apology or consider a different point-of-view. The need to be right cultivates more negative thoughts because of our unwillingness to let go of whatever the issue was in the first place.

Inspired Action: What thought or idea can you let go of to facilitate peace and happiness?


Be present: Negative thoughts rooted in the past or the future. Thoughts about what or should or could have been done in the past or what will happen in the future.

Inspired Action: Do your best to stay present in the moment, forgive the past and don’t speculate on the future.


Change your mental filter: Left unattended negative thinking becomes a habit and can shape how we see the world. We can begin to change our thinking from negative to positive by looking for the good in every circumstance.

Inspired Action: Where in this situation can I find a something positive? 


Don’t take everything personally: Most people take themselves very seriously, often more seriously than they should. They impose a set of standards that are rigid and allow no room for human error and beat themselves up when they fall short.

Inspired Action: Where can you begin to release the standards, you hold for yourself to create ease?


April Coffee Conversations: Join us for a free conversation about Personal Growth.

Registration Required. April 11:00 AM (CST)


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